
  • Sales promotion
 Sub category
  • Launch

Nestlé and Starbucks co -developed 24 Starbucks coffee products including whole bean , roast & ground coffee as well as the first ever Starbucks capsules developed using Nespresso and Nescafe Dolce Gusto proprietary coffee and system technologies

We had promoters in 10 outlets ( Coops & Key accounts) As this was the very first launch of Starbucks NDG coffee capsules, the promoters were in high spirits to promote the NEW Starbucks capsules as its preferred by most and educating the consumers – to Get a taste of signature Seattle coffee with Nestlé STARBUCKS® coffee pods As they can enjoy their best cup of coffee at home .


We had 10 promoters in 10 outlets sampling the different flavors of Starbucks capsules our promoters adopted the LATTE strategy in their interaction with consumers:

  • Listen to consumer requirements.
  • Acknowledge consumers about the different flavors of Starbucks capsules.
  • Take consumer feedback.
  • Tell consumers that they can now enjoy their Starbucks cup of coffee at home without the need to go to the coffee shop.
  • Encourage our consumers to buy Starbucks capsules as well as NDG machines

The promoters deployed were intensively and regularly trained by professional baristas to be able to convince the shoppers about the concept of having the full coffee shop experience at home.


We reached 23630 consumer in 4 months through in trade activity which increased sales of both Starbucks coffee capsules and Nescafe Dolce Gusto capsules as well as the NDG machines., we reached a machine KPI of 4 machines per demo day which was 200% of the planned target.